Body Treatments
- Cutera truSculpt ID – fat reduction
- Cutera truSculpt Flex – muscle rebuilding
- BTL Exilis – body treatments
- Mesotherapy
- Botulinum toxin for sweating

1. Cutera truSculpt ID
Monopolar Radiofrequency energy destroys fat and is used for reduction of localised fat deposits. By reaching a temperature of 43 degrees and above the fat cells will reach apoptosis – programmed cell death – and about 24% of the tissue will be reduced.
The treatment pads are applied onto the body areas where fat reduction is required and the current commenced. The application of pads is the most complex and time-consuming part of the treatment, as is removal at the end. A sensation of heat is felt bouncing between the treatment pads rather like a hot stone massage. The treated area is red but not painful. There is no oil or gel used although you may feel hot and a bit sticky after the treatment. The therapist will remain with you throughout the 15 minute treatment.
Each treatment pad is 8cm x 8cm; six pads are used in the treatment.
2. Cutera truSculpt Flex
Muscle rebuilding
Physiotherapy of damaged muscles
Regaining confidence after injury
Maintenance of muscle mass.
Increase of BMI
Improving body shape
Baseline treatment for fat reduction
The Cutera Flex device uses powerful electromagnetic fields to work the muscle in a way that the conscious brain cannot! It over-rides any feelings of fatigue or boredom and works the muscles in a true electronic workout; twisting, moving and holding tension.
Each treatment can target an area; arms and shoulders, thighs and bum, abdomen or quads.
For those who are used to exercise just four sessions are required (two per week) but for those who are unaccustomed to exercise then six sessions are required (two per week for three weeks). The treatments should be performed with at least 24 hours between sessions to allow the body to respond. A high protein diet will allow maximum muscle building.
In order to retain the results, a maintenance treatment should be performed every three months.
Although the treatment itself only take 15 minutes we allocate one hour for positioning and removal of the treatment pads.
Why include the TruScult Flex in a fat reduction programme?
Muscle is the keystone of sugar and fat metabolism. If we want to lose fat by any means we need to work the muscles. If we exercise and still have some fatty deposits then the answer is simple – work the muscles harder to achieve fat reduction!! The problem is that the body won’t work any harder – and that’s where the Tru Sculpt comes in.
Any fat reduction treatment must include stimulation of the muscles to optimise energy metabolism and raise the basal metabolic rate. It must also include critical review of the diet, which is why we now offer free consultations with Dr Marilyn Glenville’s team as part of our fat reduction treatment protocols.
3. Exilis body treatments
This RF device is for more generalised fat reduction and/or skin tightening. It can be used alone or in combination with the Tru-Sculpt treatments.
This treatment uses a contact gel that enables the treatment head to slide across the area, delivering RF energy and heating up the tissues to tighten and/or reduce fat.
Each treatment area delivers a predetermined level of energy and takes a certain amount of time.
Treatment protocols for fat reduction and body sculpting
Fat reduction and body reshaping takes time and effort. We understand that we must adopt a multi-faceted approach that includes a healthy attitude to diet, exercise, stress management and sleep as well as the medical treatments such as TruSculpt and Exilis that we offer. Fat storage in the body is complex, especially on the tummy area. If we don’t address all the components then we simply won’t get results.
This is why we now suggest a nutritional/lifestyle consultation to all our clients as part of the fat reduction treatment protocol. It’s also why we recommend more than one treatment and a combination of fat reduction and muscle stimulating in the protocol.
4. Mesotherapy
Poor skin quality, cellulite reduction
Injecting hyaluronic acid using the nanopass micron needles is a pain free method that aims to improve skin hydration and elasticity. We understand that cellulite is also helped by hyaluronic acid by mopping up free radicals in the tissues and reducing damage to the fat cells.
Many small micro-injections are made into the skin with a CE marked hyaluronic acid solution. Because the needles are so small and the depth controlled there is no bruising and no downtime. Ten sessions are recommended, ideally one week apart.
5. Botulinum toxin for sweating
Excess perspiration, Hyperhidrosis
Botulinum toxin is used to temporarily stop the secretion of sweat from the sweat glands. Injections are made into the area in the armpit that is responsible for the production of sweat, just under the skin. The injections take a few days to work, the results can last for up to six months.